Former Coup-Appointed State Asset Auditor: Yingluck Is Like Kim Jong Un

(3 May) Backlash against PM Yingluck Shinawatra for her recent unusually-strong speech on Thai democracy continues, with a longtime critic of her brother comparing the prime minister to autocratic leader of North Korea.


Mr. Kaewsan Atipodhi, former member of the Assets Scrutiny Committee, which was tasked by
2006 coup leaders to investigate corruption cases filed against the brother of Ms. Yingluck, posted
a lengthy open letter on his Facebook account, calling all members of Community of Democracies to
treat Ms.
Yingluck′s speech
at its latest convention as lies.

Ms. Yingluck, he charged, came to
power via her brother′s influence,
ot unlike how Kim Jong Un inherited the throne from his
father. Mr. Kaewsan also accused Ms. Yingluck′s family of dictatorship over Thai people, again
comparing the Shinawatras to the Kim dynasty that has been ruling North Korea for decades.

The Thai media obediently encourages the mass to be loyal to Shinawatra family, similar to
the Korean media [sic], according to the open letter, which was written in Thai, when you go to
North Korea, you will see faces of the Dear Leader staring out from billboards. Such is the case in
Thailand. The servants of the Shinawatra family are everywhere
