Thainet Voices Support for Laos After Dam Collapse

Image: Sisidea / Twitter

BANGKOK — After at least 6,000 people in Laos lost their homes and dozens died when a dam collapsed Monday, Thai netizens took to the internet in support of their northern neighbors.

#PrayforLaos, #PrayForAttapue, #DamBroke and #LaotianDamBroke were all top trending hashtags Thursday as the Thai internet kept a watch on the climbing death toll from the disaster. The Red Cross on Thursday said 24 bodies had been recovered and 131 people are still missing.

“While we are sleeping at home comfortably, with our clothes, family and money, many are trying to survive without anything at all,” Twitter user @Poupay0418 wrote.


User @aodbu wrote that Thai rescuers on Wednesday night said there are mothers wearing wet clothes with their children since the first day of the disaster, adding that they’re lacking food, medicine, formula and dry clothes.

Laotian @NangSouksamone tweets an image thanking Thailand, China, South Korea and Japan for offering aid.

“We’re worried,” a card signed by 3N KriKri band reads. “We’ll always be supporting you. We’re neighbors. Keep on fighting!”

“Another aspect of Attapue. These animals are waiting for help too,” @Poupay0418 wrote.