Home Bangkok Please Stop Killing Trees With Your Politics: City Hall

Please Stop Killing Trees With Your Politics: City Hall

Photos of campaign posters in Bangkok posted to twitter by @PiyachatSangkh, at left, and @Oatasis.

BANGKOK — Please don’t kill the capital’s trees by nailing campaign posters onto them, City Hall said Friday.

With campaign posters appearing on every vertical surface in Bangkok less than two months from Election Day, a city official came out to reiterate that parties aren’t allowed to hang wood-framed posters on trees, which she said is tantamount to damaging city property.

“We’ve found PM candidates hanging posters on trees by using nails or metal wires. It might kill these trees,” said Silapasuay Raweesaengsoun, the administration’s deputy permanent secretary.

She said City Hall would warn candidates if it finds their posters hanging on trees, adding that it would take action against those who refuse to remove them.

Damaging public property carries a maximum penalty of five years in prison and a 100,000-baht fine.

Campaign posters also triggered complaints from pedestrians for blocking city sidewalks and obstructing their view at bus stops. It has led to the creation of #blockingposter on Twitter, which has been used to report posters that obstruct the way.