Home Business Thai Toyota Denies Tax Evasion Allegation

Thai Toyota Denies Tax Evasion Allegation

(21 February) The Toyota Motors Thailand company has released a statement denying tax evasion claims made by custom authorities.

The Thai authorities have previously claimed Toyota Motor Thailand evaded tax for auto parts imported from Japan, accusing the company of failure to submit full payment of their income taxes. 
However, Mr. Wutthikorn Suriyachantananon, the Assistant Managing Director of Toyota Motors, said the shipment of imported auto parts were authorised by the Ministry of Industry, and that the company had strictly followed all legal provisions concerning the customs law, excise law, Revenue Code of Conduct and the International Trade Agreements.
The company also conducted its businesses legally under the Japan-Thailand Economic Partnership Agreement (JTEPA), a free trade agreement between both nations, Mr. Wutthikorn insisted.
Toyota claimed it is currently waiting for the conclusion from the case, after it had submitted the information to the Custom Department since 4 December 2013.
Regarding another allegation, in which Toyota Thailand was accused of evading taxes for imported auto parts from India by trading through a third country account, Mr. Wutthikorn said that the company had already paid extra taxes and fines to relevant authorities.
The Toyota Assistant Managing Director insisted in the statement that Toyota had been operating its businesses "based on transparency and good governance". 
The company also offers sincere service for their customers and has been working cooperatively with the government’s policy to promote investments and exports, the statement claims.

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