Songkran Saved: Urine-Pelting Provokers Arrested, Charged

Local Chonburi police hold up bags of fish sauce used by a group of men who threw them at motorists Thursday.

CHONBURI — Those who feared being pelted with fish sauce, urine and motor oil during Songkran in Chonburi can now rest easy, as 10 people suspected of having caused the distasteful incident were arrested Thursday and charged Friday.

Read: Happy Songkran? Motorists Pelted With Urine, Fish, Motor Oil

Ten men, aged between 17 and 33 years old, were caught by police on suspicion of being the perpetrators behind Thursday’s unsavory behavior toward motorists and passersby. Six men over 18 were charged Friday with causing a public nuisance by throwing filthy objects, and were sentenced Friday to 15 days in jail, a 5,000 baht fine, 12 hours of community service and the need for mandatory reporting to the police every three months.

“The court handed down their sentence to the six people over 18 today,” Police Col. Somchoke Taphol said Friday. “The four youths were warned and they promised to not do it again.”



In addition to the bags of urine, motor oil, pla-raa and fish sauce thrown by the group of men, Somchoke also said he found bags of shrimp paste, or kapi.

Social media users seemed relieved about the arrest.

“Serves you right. Let this be an example to any troublemakers. No one rejoices in your actions, other than people as disgusting as you!,” wrote Facebook user Charawan Lennaam. “It’s not too late to change your ways.”

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The group of youths tossing bags of filth at motorists Wednesday night in Chonburi.