“FLIMPROTEXTOR,” which was invented by the team of KMUTNB’s researchers, including Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rungsima Yeetsorn, Sirindhorn International Thai-German Graduate School of Engineering (TGGS), Dr. Sunanta Chuayprakong and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Noppavan Chanunpanich, Faculty of Applied Science, won the gold medal at the “Special Edition 2022 Inventions Geneva Evaluation Days – Virtual Event,” virtually organized between 16 – 20 March 2022.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rungsima Yeetsorn said, “this innovation is a protector in a form of film. It’s easy to use and convenient even for one user to apply it. It saves time and energy. This film will protect surface from being scratched, polishing, dirty, tensile strength, and it’s easy to peel. The film will also protect surface from the damage caused by flakes of fire, and it will make the surface to be weather resistant.”
At this international innovation and invention competition, over 500 inventions from 20 countries across the world were exhibited and evaluated, including 35 inventions by Thai researchers and inventors from 17 organizations sponsored by the National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT).
Moreover, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rungsima Yeetsorn said, “the KMUTNB’s team of researchers are glad for this achievement. This invention is the outcome of a research funded by the ITAP project of National Science and Technology Development Agency and SAHASINTHAI CO.,LTD. It took 2 years to develop this innovation. After being fully developed, this innovation was submitted for the national innovation competition. Then, we gained financial supports to participate the international competition and won the gold medal. We have a determination to keep developing this innovation continually, so that we will have new innovations that can be produced in our own country, such as latex and glue used in paint industry.