Home Lifestyle Gold Coffin For Saraburi Amulet-Master Monk

Gold Coffin For Saraburi Amulet-Master Monk

SARABURI—Disciples of a prominent Buddhist monk in Saraburi have honoured his passing by interring his body in a gilded coffin.

Pra Kru Prasitviharnkun served as the abbot of Mutchalintasarararm Temple for 50 years before he passed away on 15 April. He was 87 years old.

Reports say Pra Kru Prasitviharnkun, whose secular name was Samrong Thitdharmmo, is greatly respected by his followers in Saraburi for his reputation as a famous amulet producer and other religious works. 

To express their reverence, a group of the Prasitviharnkun's followers decided to inter his body in a coffin made of teak wood gilded with gold, attracting much attention from locals. 

One of the disciples told our correspondent that they paid approximately 200,000 baht for the coffin. 

The funeral of Pra Kru Prasitviharnkun is being held at Mutchalintasarararm Temple and expected to last for about 100 days, his disciples say.



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