Home Arts & Culture Looking at You: Candid Passions on Display at Neilson Hays Library

Looking at You: Candid Passions on Display at Neilson Hays Library

Photo: Celine Ludwig / Courtesy

BANGKOK — With a belief that although humans are alone inside, they can connect to others through mutual feelings, 20 portraits and 10 nudes by a German artist will show at a historic library in Silom.

“Looking at You” started when Celine Ludewig was seeking moments when people around her couldn’t hide their true feelings behind poised facades.

“There are many ways we use to hide the truth. So I was looking for moments when people didn’t hide their true emotions,” Celine said.

Celine started her project when she went to pubs to paint musicians lost in the moment without their knowledge.

“We are completely honest in the moments we do something we love,” the 20-year-old said. “That is when there are no walls to hide, in those moments we don’t worry about people’s opinions.”

Celine lived in Ratchaburi province with a Thai family for a year when she was a 16-year-old exchange student. She returned to Thailand again to find her voice as an artist after studying fine arts in Germany.

“Looking at You” opens at 5pm on Sept. 7 and runs through Oct. 3 at the Neilson Hays Library on Surawong Road. The home of thousands English-language books is located about one kilometer from BTS Chong Nonsi.