Home Crime Taekwondo Teacher Accused of Sexually Abusing Underage Student

Taekwondo Teacher Accused of Sexually Abusing Underage Student

Chatchapol Laothammateep, at right, on Tuesday at his Chatchapol Taekwondo Gym in Prachinburi city.

PRACHINBURI — A taekwondo teacher was behind bars Wednesday on charges of sexually assaulting an underage student after police arrested him in his dojo in Prachinburi city.

Chatchapol Laothammateep was arrested Tuesday at the Chatchapol Taekwondo Gym after his 14-year-old female student and her family filed a complaint to police that he had sexually abused her over a period of time.

The family alleged that since the abuse began in July, Chatchapol had touched her breasts, penetrated her vagina with his fingers and invited her to a motel.

The girl quit the martial arts school last month, according to police Lt. Sumit Hempetch of Prachinburi police.

The 34-year-old teacher denied all the accusations, Sumit said Wednesday.

Chatcharit Laothammateep, Chatchapol’s younger brother, also a teacher at the gym, said Chatchapol was innocent, stating that if anything happened it was unintentional due to body postures the martial art requires.

“Like gymnastics and [traditional dance], taekwondo has a stretching routine. He might have brushed her body without meaning to harass her,” Chatcharit said by phone Wednesday.

Chatcharit said the gym will remain operating as usual as they prepare to mount a defense of his brother’s innocence.

Sumit said the results of a forensic examination of the girl’s body will be available within two weeks.