Home Politics One More Death Reported At Clashes Today

One More Death Reported At Clashes Today

A group of police officers taking shelter after they came under attacks near Phan Fa Bridge, 18 February 2014

(18 February) Erawan Rescue Centre has confirmed one more death in the gunbattle between police and anti-government militants on Ratchadamnoen Avenue today.

The centre has previously stated that one policeman and two civilians were killed in the clashes, which erupted at around noon today and subsided in the late afternoon after the police force withdrew from the area.
The Erawan centre later released statement that an unidentified "Thai male" has also died, bringing to the official total death toll to 4.
The cause of his death is not immediately clear; the centre stated that he was found with "wounds" in his torso.
More than 60 people were also injured by the clashes, according to the centre, but it did not break down the number of civilians and police officers. 


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