Home Politics Abhisit Skips EC Forum Because of ‘Death Threats’

Abhisit Skips EC Forum Because of ‘Death Threats’

Supporters take photos of Democrat Party chairman Abhisit Vejjajiva, 22 Aprl 2014

BANGKOK — The Chairman of the Democrat Party was forced to skip the forum on Thailand's future election because of an assassination threat from a pro-government activist, said the Democrat Party’s spokesperson.

Abhisit Vejjajiva had previously agreed to meet with representatives of more than 60 political parties, including the ruling Pheu Thai Party, in a forum organised by the Election Commission (EC) at the Miracle Grand Hotel in northern Bangkok today.

However, Mr. Abhisit declined to attend the meeting at the last minute, citing unspecified security concerns.

Democrat Party spokesperson Mr. Chavanond Intarakomalyasut later elaborated in a press conference at the party's headquarters that he had received intelligence about a plot by Redshirt supporters to assassinate Mr. Abhisit during the EC meeting.

Mr. Chavanond also cited a Facebook post by a Redshirt activist called Uncle Yim Tasawang who wrote that he planned to fire "several rounds of shot" inside the meeting room and cause chaos among forum participants.

In another Facebook post, Uncle Yim wrote that he wished the meeting would be broadcast live so his group could cause embarrassment to Mr. Abhisit in front of a national audience.



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