Home Bangkok Sunny and Searing: Yep, It’s Officially Summer Again

Sunny and Searing: Yep, It’s Officially Summer Again

Land surface temperatures as observed by NASA’s Earth Observatory Team between April 15, 2016, and April 23, 2016. Yellow is hottest. Photo: Reto Stockli / NASA Earth Observatory Team

BANGKOK — Stay hydrated and pack a lunch box to avoid roasting under the scorching afternoon sun.

Friday officially welcomed the first day of summer, the Meteorological Department announced on Monday.

A reliable meme whose origins trace back to a town in Turkey, an unknown online traveler localized it some time in 2013.

“The peak temperatures have been higher and there has been continuous hot weather during the day,” read the official announcement. “The northeastern monsoon has changed into southeasterly winds, which means it is now summer in the country.”

Last summer, Thailand experienced the longest heat wave in 65 years. Daily peak temperatures in April averaged above 40C.

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