TOKYO — The Imperial Household Agency said that its official Instagram account showcasing the activities of Japanese Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako has been viewed more than 200 million times and received about 19 million likes in the six months since it was launched in April.
The most popular post, which garnered more than 690,000 likes, was one in June with photos of the imperial couple and their daughter Princess Aiko digging up bamboo shoots at the Imperial Stock Farm in Tochigi Prefecture, dressed casually and appearing relaxed.
The account, aimed at connecting with younger people, has drawn around 1.8 million followers, with more than 300,000, or 17 percent, aged between 13 and 34, the agency said late last year.
“There is still room to deliver information more effectively to young people. We will consider further improvements with input from external experts,” an agency official said.

According to the agency, followers aged 45 to 54 made up the largest group at 28.0 percent, followed by those aged 55 to 64 at 26.7 percent and those aged 35 to 44 at 16.3 percent. Followers aged 65 and older stood at 11.7 percent.
The account, officially launched on April 1, had reached 1 million followers by April 21.
Posts highlighting key moments, such as the fifth anniversary of the emperor’s accession in May, scenes from the couple’s visit to the Imperial Stock Farm and their official visit to Britain in June, contributed to a significant increase in followers, according to the agency.
Establishing a formal public relations office in 2023 to revamp its outreach, the agency set up the social media account to proactively share information about the family after struggling with sharp online reactions to former princess Mako’s engagement and 2021 marriage to her university sweetheart, Kei Komuro.