Early offers for six Class of 2020 students to Oxford, Cambridge, and Ivy League universities once again underline Shrewsbury International School Bangkok, Riverside’s reputation as Thailand’s leading international school.
Three early offers Oxford and Cambridge universities make it an unparalled total of 17 Oxbridge offers for Shrewsbury students since 2018, whilst another trio of students have already accepted places at Ivy League offers to Cornell (2) and Dartmouth. Over 200 offers have been awarded to the Class of 2020 so far, with hundreds of applications still pending.
With leading examination results and an award-winning Higher Education team, Shrewsbury is the most highly regarded international school in Thailand when it comes to preparing young people for university.

Shrewsbury’s dedicated university experts, each equipped with country-specific knowledge and an innate understanding of the application process, ensures that every student has access to the highest quality advice, and the opportunity to graduate to tertiary institutions that suit them best.

Head Girl Tarnfun (Tara) Chittmittrapap says Shrewsbury prepares students for university in all kinds of ways.
“I think my application to Cambridge was successful in part due to my critical thinking skills. ‘Reading the World’ [Shrewsbury’s bespoke critical thinking programme] for example, has helped me to analyse concepts and principles born out of real-world contexts.”
Vice Principal (Head of Senior), Mr Rob Millar has watched these six students grow through the years and couldn’t be prouder to see them go on to the next phase of their lives.
“All six students have such different areas of expertise and to have been accepted to the world’s best universities shows the wealth of opportunity that Shrewsbury offers. These exceptional students have shown that if you put the hard work in then, it will pay off; and it has done in a big way.”

If you are interested in finding out more of what Shrewsbury International School Bangkok, Riverside can offer your family, please book a tour through our website. Limited places are still available for our A level Programme starting August 2020 and selected year groups starting August 2021.