July) Counterfeit 500 baht banknotes are circulating in Ang Thong province, police have warned,
after they were alerted by the owner of a construction equipment company who was paid in fake bills.
Mr. Weera Tarmboon, 44, told police he discovered about the fake banknotes when he handed
out changes to a customer earlier today. The customer told him the banknote felt stange, so Mr.
Weera checked the bill, realized it was fake, and apologized profusely to the customer. He later
called police to investigate.
Mr. Weera said he could not remember who gave him the banknote,
but suggested that it was one of the customers who have visited his shop throughout the day, buying
cements, bricks, stones, and metals.
Police officers told our correspondent the counterfeit
money appears to be very convincing, and unsuspecting individuals might be easily duped.
However, they say, a closer inspection would reveal that the small Garuda on the fake bill
isn?t covered by serial number and the back of the banknote will show stronger shade of violet color
than genuine 500 baht bills.
Police say they reports from other shops and stores in Ang Thong
province started to trickle in as well, and they have dispatched officers to inform many shop owners
in the province about the matter.