TRANG — Four children were slain while sleeping early this morning by their father who failed to reunite with his wife, police said.
Pornpichit Yongstar, 40, reportedly killed his four children, two boys and two girls, with a .22 Magnum while they were sleeping. The alleged motive was a family issue after Pornpichit’s 38-year-old wife Supattra Kemkhao left him for another man, Col. Songkiat Thongsong of Palian district police said.
When police arrived at the scene, Pornpichit was said to be hiding alone inside the house. Pornpichit asked police to see Supattra, but police refused because they’re worried that Pornpichit will harm his wife and commit suicide, officer Songkiat said.
The body of the four children, boys aged 12 and 3, and girls aged 14 and 7, have been reportedly carried out from the second floor of the house. Police were able to enter the house earlier today to retrieve the bodies. At that time Pornpichit was believed to have been in hiding in a different room with a shotgun.
At the time this article is published, police are still attempting to talk Pornpichit into laying down his shotgun and surrendering.
Chayanit Itthipongmaetee can be reached at[email protected] and @chayaniti92.
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