Charoen Pokphand Foods Public Company Limited (CPF) has aggressively stepped toward its sustainable plan 2025-2030 by reducing greenhouse gas emission and plastic packages to mitigate climate change and maximizing the use of resources through “Circular Economy” to ensure least affects and the company’s sustainable growth.

Mr. Wuthichai Sithipreedanant, senior vice president – Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development of CPF, said the company’s sustainable plan 2020 will be achieved this year, bringing successful working in many areas. For example, enhancing quality and food safety with 30% of new product development are healthier and more nutritious products, broiler chicken farms in Thailand and overseas operations have Poultry Welfare Officer (PWO) 100%. Moreover, 100% of critical suppliers for indirect raw materials groups (animal feed raw materials, food ingredients and packaging) have to be audited on their sustainability.
CPF has focused on alleviating environmental impacts. Particularly, the plastic packaging use in Thailand’s business have to reusable or recyclable or upcyclable or compostable 100% by 2025 and the overseas operations by 2030. At present, the plastic packages of the business in Thailand are reusable or recyclable 100% already.
Besides, those targeted goals also cover the elimination the use of unnecessary plastic packaging or plastic packaging that causes environmental impacts by 2025 for the company’s business in Thailand and by 2030 for the overseas operations.

Other sustainable goals targets of CPF in 2025 have been steadily moved on including reducing waste disposal to landfill and incineration per production unit by 35%, reducing water withdrawal per production unit by 30%, reducing greenhouse gas emission Scope 1 (direct emission from charcoal and biomass) and Scope 2 (from the purchased electricity) per production units by 25%, which all those projects compared to the base year 2015.
Particularly, the implementation of plastic package management and renewable energy under “Circular Economy” principle have steadily moved to the goal. The plans aimed to environment, pointed Mr.Wuthichai.

CPF also puts a priority on animal welfare standard in accordance with the Five Freedoms principle, and antibiotics to be used responsibly and prudently. In Thailand, pig farms for pregnant breeder sows will be gradually transferred to group housing system 100% by 2025 and the overseas operations by 2028. Moreover, it is also the transitioning period for layer farms towards cage-free system. “CPF has strong foundation on the sustainability governance structure to align sustainability practices throughout the organization. The company aims to optimize the use of resources and minimize waste bases on circular economy and complies with management standards and valorize waste from the production process,” noted Mr. Wuthichai.
Mr.Wuthichai added that the company also plans to increase its “Green Revenue from Green Products” under various projects such as promoting renewable energy through solar rooftop plant, biogas from pig manure etc. Last year, the use of renewable energy in CPF’s feed, farm and food business accounted for 25% of its total energy usage. In addition, there still have optimizing water use throughout the production process and collaborating with communities to manage water resources and others.

Moreover, sustainable farm practices will be promoted to farmer to ensure its responsible and traceable raw material sourcing. Especially, five key raw materials for Thailand operations, comprise corn, fishmeal, soybean meal, palm oil and cassava will be 100% traceable this year. The company has also preserved, protected and restored biodiversity of land and marine ecosystem for more than 10,000 rais now.
CPF operates business bases on the three pillars of the sustainability strategies – Food Security, Self-Sufficient Society and Balance of Nature. The strategies have directly supported 11 out of the 17 SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals : SDGs) to encourage the company’s capability to achieve sustainable growth and inclusive development under ESG (Environment, Social and Corporate Good Governance) principle.