(18 April) A man hanged himself to death in his residence in the province of Supanburi. Police found a handwritten note in his room, saying he committed suicide because he was drafted into the the army.
I picked a red card. I didn?t want to be drafted, the letter reportedly said.
His relatives said they did not find his death suspicious, but added that he was drinking and singing seemingly without worry during recent Songkran holiday.
According to Thai laws, all Thai males are required to register for 2 year service in the military, except those who went through 3 years military training during high school years and those deemed unfit for service by the army officials. In the selection process, red cards are mixed with black ones in a bowl in which all potential draftees must randomly pick up one. Picking up a red card sealed one′s fate as a draftee, while a black onemeans walking home free.