Gov’t Sets New Health Regulations for Tattoo Skin-Artists

An official inspects health certificate at a tattoo parlor in Bangkok on Sep. 5, 2018.

BANGKOK (Xinhua) — The Thai Ministry of Public Health said on Friday that the ministry has rolled out new regulations for tattoo skin-artists to get an annual health clearance.

The health clearance requires the tattoo skin-artists to know about proper use and disposal of their tools and wastes.

“The announcement of the new health regulation for tattoo skin artists has been published in the Royal Gazette on Thursday already, and I already signed it,” said Deputy Public Health Minister Sathit Pitutecha. “The new regulation will take effect in 90 days.”

Sathit said the new health regulation is to ensure that tattoo clients are not harmed through infection or allergic reactions to colorings and chemicals used by tattooists.


Skin-artists are required to be healthy and free of respiratory and skin diseases, said Sathit.


Tattooists must have a medical certificate from an annual physical checkup, to demonstrate that they are in good health and do not carry hepatitis B or C, or tuberculosis, the deputy health minister said.

As tattoo art in Thailand has been on the rise, many Thais and foreigners travel to Thailand to have their body parts inked with images of spirituality and fashion.

Sathit said it was vital for the Ministry of Public Health to roll out this new measure as there have been many cases where clients have complained about infection from tattoo needles.