Siam Daikin Sales Co., Ltd. reveals that Daikin, the world’s leader in air conditioning technology, values the importance of health and wellbeing of Thai people, especially now with the new normal lifestyle that restricts people to spend more time at home.
Air quality is one factor that contributes to healthier life especially when you spend a lot more time at home. Daikin is pleased to share tips to achieve good ventilation and good quality air at home to keep you healthy and refreshed no matter how long you stay at home.
Ventilation is an exchange of inside and outside air, which helps dilute or cleanse health-harming contaminants in the air as it is released to the outside. Contaminants commonly found in regular household range from carbon monoxide, dust, pollens as well as bacteria and virus. A house or condominium unit usually have stagnant airflow that circulates contaminants within the confinement, causing health problems that stem from poor quality air.
Air conditioner, however, does not exchange inside and outside air to create ventilation. Instead, it only cools down the air in the room. There are three simple ways to increase ventilation at home as follow.
1. 24-hour ventilation system: Install ventilation shaft on the wall or ceiling and then turn on ventialtion fans in the bathroom or other rooms. It takes approximately two hours to thoroughly ventiate the premises. It is recommended to always turn on 24-hour ventilation system and adhere to intruction in the mannual.

2. Open the windows: Opening windows for 5-10 minutes per hour can create substantial ventilation. However, the speed of airflow depends on the size of the window, the size of the room and the types of contaminats in the air. The more ventilation there is, the less likely you are prone to infection caused by poor quality.
Opening the window two times for five minutes at a time in one hour create more ventilation than opening the window for 10 minutes every two hours. The key takeaway is, more frequent is better than longer period.

If you are worried that pollution will get in when the windows are open, placing an air purifying close to the windows can solve this problem. Also, you can fit lace curtains that help screen out dust.
Air tends to flow in through a smaller cavity and flow out through larger one. So it is best to crack open the window a little where the air flows in, and open the winder wide where the air flows out as it will maximize the ventilation.
If there is only one window in the room, use a fan to help ventilate. Turn on a fan and face it outward to ventilate the room. On the contrary, of the fan is faced inward, air from the outside will pour in and the dirty inside air will be trapped inside.
If your house or condo has only one window, you can increase ventilation by placing a fan at the window. If there is no window, open the door and turn the fan outward. Then turn on ventilation fan in the bathroom. Air flow in other parts of the house can move the air inside the house, hence creates ventilation.
3. Turn on ventilation fan in the kitchen: Ventilation fan in the kitchen tends to be the biggest and most powerful ventilation fan in the house. However, don’t open the window close to kitchen ventilation fan as it will slow down the air flow. Instead, open the window or door that is the farthest from the kitchen.

“Opening two windows and kitchen ventilation fan at the same time will maximize ventilation.”
Siam Daikin Sales Co., Ltd. also says that the three aforementioned ways can be applied to any household and can be adjusted to suit different layout and construction features. If you would like to ventilate the whole house, the best way is to open the windows at the entrance or balcony and also the door that stands in the airflow path.
There are also other techniques. If you wish to only ventilate the living room and cannot open the main door at the entrance, open the windows on the left and right that face outward to the balcony instead.
“Ventilation cannot occur if only one window is open. There have to be two openings for the air to flow through and ventilate the room.”
If the air is still stagnant, turn on the fan of the cooker hood in the kitchen and open the window to the balcony. Air will start moving and ventilate via the cooker hood.
Daikin is the company that “Perfecting the Air” and as the leader in the industry, Daikin is determined to communicate and education the consumer about air quality with the main goal to keep Thai people healthy. You can see more detail about ventilation at this page.
TH: https://www.daikin.co.th/service-knowledge/ventilation/
EN: https://www.daikin.co.th/en/service-knowledge/ventilation/