H.E. Mr. Thanatip Upatising, Ambassador of Thailand to the Russian Federation, praised CPF Russia for bringing food security to people in Russia, including Thai expats, during Covid-19 crisis.
The Ambassador said that Thai food businesses are not affected by the widespread of coronavirus in Russia. Moreover, Thai companies helps Russia to maintain a steady supply of food for its people.
CPF Russia’s safety measures were praised by the Thai Ambassador for its effectiveness, keeping the food supply chain to run smoothly during the outbreak. Moreover, the company initiated COVID-19 relief project for Thai people in Moscow and Saint Petersburg, providing them with quality food supplies during the lockdown.
The undisrupted operation also helps ensure food security for people in the region. Mr. Aleksandr Drozdenko, Governor of Leningrad Region, and Deputy Governor, Mr. Oleg Malaschenko, acknowledged the company’s COVID-19 prevention practices during their visit to the chicken processing plant in Severnaya in the outskirt of Saint Petersburg.
CPF vice president Pornchai Akesakulpaibool, who in charge of the company’s broiler business in Russia, commented that all CPF Russia operations remain fully functional and the business is not impacted, despite the severe outbreak in the country. Also, the company has complied with the government’s policy to peg the price of its food products while the country were under the lockdown.
“CPF Russia operates its business under our 3 benefits philosophy to sustainability, these are; benefit to the country in which CPF invests, benefit to the people of that country and lastly of benefit to our company that strive to provide food security for people all over the world,” he said.
Using a successful guideline from Wuhan operation, CPF has implemented a series of health and safety measures to its workers worldwide.
So far, none of CPF Russia employee has been infected by the coronavirus.
“CPF Russia still on guard against COVID-19. We are implementing a preventive measures and closely monitoring our workers’ health. This is to ensure their safety as well as stable food supplies for consumers.” Mr. Pornchai said.