Since its release in 2011, the LEGO Ninjago series has been captivating the imaginations of children everywhere. The original, ninja-themed LEGO brand set of toys has several classic characters and a well-established storyline surrounding their various adventures. There was even a 2017 LEGO Ninjago movie about this iconic themed series of toys. ‘
The main characters of this exciting series are a group of teenage ninjas who are working to battle the many forces of evil seeking to wreak havoc around the world. Inspired by East Asia cultures, these amazing landscapes and characters are thrilling to play with. Whether on land or sea, Ninjago characters’ epic battles are tons of fun to stage.
There are all kinds of exciting new sets coming out all the time to keep this theme of LEGOs fresh. This article will give you an overview of some of the most enticing new additions to the LEGO Ninjago franchise.
The Catamaran Sea Battle
One of the most exciting new sets from LEGO Ninjago is the Catamaran Sea Battle set. This super cool LEGO set has everything you need to take your ninja characters to adventures on the high seas! This set includes two epic catamarans with thrilling designs and team colors to match their ninja-pirate cohorts, as well as two smaller speed boats and six exciting LEGO Ninjago island characters to bring into your creative play.
Skull Sorcerer’s Dragon
Our next thrilling addition to the LEGO Ninjago collection is the Skull Sorcerer’s Dragon set. Use these pieces to fight off the menacing skull sorcerer and his giant skeletal dragon. You’ll have to watch out for the sneaky spiders that guard his lair, as well as the skeleton guards and fearsome magical powers that he wields. Your three brave heroes have their work cut out for them. This is a great set to enliven your imagination and fill your play with thrilling adventures.
City Gardens
The LEGO Ninjago City Gardens are a beautiful backdrop for any of your adventures or a great home base for your characters to gear up for their next battle. This multistory building has a plethora of different rooms for your characters to explore and a gorgeous temple area on the ground level. The entire complex is sprinkled with foliage and decorations to give it an Asian feel. A diverse cast of creative and unique characters can weave their stories together at this essential focal point of your ninja tales.
LEGO Ninjago For You
With so many exciting LEGO Ninjago sets available, you have everything you need to have exciting creative play at home and develop intricate storylines for all your favorite ninja-themed characters. Check out your nearest LEGO shop today to check out all of these new sets as well as many other LEGO sets to add to your child’s collection.