CP Vietnam Corporation received two certifications of merit from the Vietnam Youth Federation, consisting of: “Outstanding work” Award, given to C.P.Vietnam’s Youth Federation and the honorary award in the category of “Constant collaborating in the activities of the Federation during the year 2019 – 2022” to the “CPV’s Donation Fund”.
The recognitions reflects both organizations long-time efforts to the Federation, carrying out beneficial activities and improving the quality of life of Vietnamese people. The certifications were received by Mr. Nguyen Quoc Khang, the company representative.
“CPV’s Donation Fund” and C.P.Vietnam’s Youth Federation was established by executives and employees of the Company since 2010 and 2014 respectively to create positive impacts to the people in Vietnam in line with CP Foods’ core philosophy “3-Benefit” principle for the Country, People, and, lastly, for the Company”. Hence, promoting youth movement, which is the foundation of the country’s development, and their spirits of volunteerism is one of the company’s missions.
Throughout the years, multiple projects have been made in support of the youth federation and the society such as the blood donation project, Volunteer Medical Unit Project, and other projects to help vulnerable groups in society, such as people with disabilities, students in poverty, victims of natural disasters, and etc.