AIS The StartUp enhances the ESG skills of Thai startups elevates missions
Strengthens-Capabilities-Expands opportunities for growth in the capital market
AIS The StartUp reaffirms its goal to be a partner ready to drive and support the sustainable growth of Thai startup entrepreneurs and Tech SMEs under the concept of fostering inclusive growth or “Partnership for Inclusive Growth.” It aims to harness the capabilities of digital networks, technology platforms, and connectivity to expand business growth, including sharing essential knowledge across various sectors necessary for business operations.
Particularly in the realm of conducting business sustainably according to ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) principles, today AIS The StartUp has risen to collaborate with partners in the industry, including the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET), the National Innovation Agency (NIA), and the Thai Startup Association, under the initiative “ESG to Capital for Tech Entrepreneurs.”
This initiative aims to strengthen tech entrepreneurs by enhancing their understanding of applying ESG principles to analyze investment risks and assess company valuations, especially in establishing fundamental ethical dimensions such as Corporate Governance, Partnership Governance, Financial Governance, or Shareholder Governance. These are crucial attributes to instill confidence and competitiveness in the capital market.
Dr.Srihathai Prammanee, AIS StartUp Program Manager, stated, “The primary goal of AIS The StartUp is to be a collaborative partner with entrepreneurs to jointly seek opportunities and sustainably foster mutual growth. In addition to leveraging the potential of digital networks, technology solutions, and even AIS customer base access channels, we also enrich the backbone of business operations with various knowledge aspects.
Over the past year, we organized the IPO Brotherhood, an Exclusive Knowledge Sharing event focusing on professional organizational management dimensions. This included IT Infrastructure, digital business legalities, and even crisis communication management techniques. All of these are crucial for companies registered in the stock market.”
Beyond the essential insights into organizational management, today’s business landscape also emphasizes the importance of analyzing investment risks and conducting sustainable business operations within the framework of ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) principles.
This is why we invite partners such as the Stock Exchange of Thailand, the National Innovation Agency, and the Thai Startup Association, along with executives and experts, to come together and share knowledge and real experiences regarding ESG under the project “ESG to Capital for Tech Entrepreneurs.”
This initiative gathers knowledge from various perspectives, including state policy perspectives on sustainable development and relevant working directions supporting startups and driving the country’s digital economy. It even extends to connecting with leading organizations to collectively address and reflect on issues and importance of integrating ESG into business processes.”
For the “ESG to Capital for Tech Entrepreneurs” project, it is another commitment of AIS The StartUp aimed at enhancing the skills of startup entrepreneurs to understand the analysis of investment risks and conduct sustainable business operations within the ESG framework. The program includes robust content from partners and speakers from leading national organizations who will share experiences and exchange insights throughout the full three-month duration.
With a primary mission to “Strengthens” understanding and illustrate the importance of conducting business that impacts the environment, cares for stakeholders including employees, partners, and communities, as well as governance principles, it is especially crucial for startup entrepreneurs. This is because it is one of the key factors investors use to assess company value and scrutinize whether the business is managed with governance, oversight, risk assessment, and organizational efficiency in mind, considering the extent to which stakeholders are affected.
“ Capabilities” to analyze investment risks and conduct business by establishing a solid foundation and strategizing according to ESG principles which suitable for the format and size of startup companies. Moreover, it can “ Expands” Thai startups to have a competitive edge and grow significantly in the capital market in the future.
“We believe that the key to sustainable growth for startup entrepreneurs does not solely rely on capital, but also on skills, knowledge, digital tools, solutions, and even market access and customer base. Therefore, the approach of Partnership for Inclusive Growth has been upheld by AIS The StartUp consistently.
This approach can propel entrepreneurs to establish a robust business foundation, especially through strategizing ESG, which significantly impacts business operations. It reduces risks, prepares readiness, and opens doors to opportunities for accessing the capital market and scaling up the organization’s growth in the future,” Dr.Srihathai concluded.