Bangkok to Hold Its First Transgender Job Fair

BANGKOK — To mark International Transgender Day of Visibility, the capital’s communities will break through discriminatory barriers by holding a job fair for LGBT job seekers.

The Trans Friendly Job Fair, billed as Bangkok’s first transgender job fair, will take place the last day of the month to help transgender individuals into the country’s workforce.

Apart from booths from nearly a dozen companies, the event will also offer a short film screening, workshops and talks by representatives from LGBT communities among which will be transmen group FTM 101, Non Binary Thailand, Sisters Pattaya and more.


Despite Thailand being widely-known for its acceptance of transgender people, many often find it challenging to secure employment or sometimes face job discrimination.


The event, organized by Teak Trans Empowerment, will start at 1pm on March 31 at Museum Siam, located on Sanam Chai Road in Phra Nakhon area. It can be reached from the Yodpiman River Walk or Tha Tien piers. Motorists can park at the Royal Thai Navy Club House or Yodpiman River Walk then reach by foot or take a motorbike.