BANGKOK — The feeling of heading out somewhere important only to come back empty-handed and slightly embarrassed seems to be a common ASEAN sentiment – as proven by a Filipino meme gone viral on Thai internet.
The “Mag-ina”, or “Mae-loog” meme, which both mean “Mom and kid” in Filipino and Thai, involves cartoon where a mom asks where her child is going – only for the child to return in the next panel, disappointed in their aspirations. Thais have been using the meme over the past week to express similar disappointments in relationships, money, and politics.
The comic’s format was originally created by Native American cartoonist Ricardo Cate in his “Without Reservations” comic strip series, which showed a child coming back from school, replying to his mom who asked if he learned anything in school with “Yeah, but not enough. They want me to go back tomorrow!”
The comic was remixed in the Philippines as a meme, with different versions of the “Mag-ina” (“mother-child”) comic popping up. Artist Chino de Chavez created the 3D version that became widely used. On Nov. 15, the Phillippine Embassy in Iraq’s Facebook even used the meme to 15 to warn Filipinos seeking work there against illegal recruiters.
“My child, why did you come back? I thought you had scheduled to go overseas?” the mom says. The child replies, “I was talking to illegal recruiters. We should have checked with the POEA first,” referring to the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration.
Chavez himself posted on his Facebook that he was getting lots of Thai accounts adding him as a friend with a reshare of a Thai Mag-ina meme.
That’s enough meme-history: here are some Thai “Mae-loog” memes:
“Where are you going?”
“To travel and live my life according to my dreams.”
“Why are you back?”
“I don’t have money.”
“Where are you going?”
“To get my boyfriend back from the bar.”
“Why are you back?”
“It’s easier just to get a new guy.”
This Pantip page’s meme posted Tuesday has 20,000 likes and counting:
“Where are you going?”
“To hell.”
“Why are you back?”
“I forgot to bring the Prime Minister with me.”
One of them mocked MP Parina Kraikup, whose alleged encroachment on protected land may not result in imprisonment.
“Where are you going?”
“To visit E Ae [Parina] in jail.”
“Why are you back?”
“She didn’t get arrested.”
Sports fans also used the meme to express frustration with Wednesday’s United Champions League match.
“Where are you going?”
“To curse Liverpool to fail the UCL.”
“Why are you back?”
“They won 2-0 and are in the group stage.”