(8 May) Mr. Jarupong Ruengsuwan, Minister of Interior Affairs, said he was not worried about violent confrontation because he was told the protesters would conduct the rally within the laws.
In a press conference, he said he did not obstruct the Redshirts from staging the protest because political rallies are common in democracy.
Nonetheless, the minister said he had concerns that hird party elements and hugs might try to infiltrate the protest and stir up troubles like what happened in 2010 political protest in Bangkok.
Mr. Jaropong also commented on the plan by anti-Redshirts groups to stage a counter rally in Royal Field (Sanam Luang) by expressing his surprise at Mr. Sukhumbhand Paribatra, Governor of Bangkok, for allowing the counter protesters to use the site as rally ground, contrary to the Governor′s previous decisions to keep the Royal Field off limits for political protesters.