(1 August) Rescue teams
in Chiang Rai province are still trying to locate the body of a 3-year-old boy swept away by torrent
of flash flood in the river as he was swimming with his twin.
Officials were combing wide
areas in Mae Fah Luang District to find the boy, but he is now presumed to be dead as he had been
missing for more than 48 hours already. His parents managed to rescue his younger twin brother
before he was lost in the fierce current.
The boy is believed to be the second death caused
by latest incidents of floods that hit Thailand′s northern region, affecting thousands of families
and destroying farmlands. 4 provinces – Chiang Rai, Nan, Phayao, and Tak – are battling with the
flash flood and heavy storm.
In Chiang Rai province, flood warning is announced in 6
districts, while 1,377 families were reported to be affected by the flood that swept across 6
districts in Nan province.
4 districts in Phayao province also reported to be suffering from
the flood, and 2,603 families are being given aid.
In Tak province, water in Huai Mae Sod
Reservoir started to flood into Mae Sod district after heavy rain. The authorities are closely
observing the water in Moei River, bracing for more cases of flood.
The Royal Thai Army says
it has recruited 860 officers to help relief the flood in many areas across the northern region.