September) Mr. Thongpan Hongsa, 35, was found dead in front of his residence in Su-nga Kolok
district, Narathiwat province, after he had been shot 13 times by an unidentified assailant on
motorcycle. Police officers said Mr. Thongpan was a
well-known human trafficking agent in the region, and had been brought in many illegal Burmese
migrants to the region.
Police assumed that the victim might have face
business dispute with his counterparts in the trafficking trade.
September) Mr. Thongpan Hongsa, 35, was found dead in front of his residence in Su-nga Kolok
district, Narathiwat province, after he had been shot 13 times by an unidentified assailant on
motorcycle. Police officers said Mr. Thongpan was a
well-known human trafficking agent in the region, and had been brought in many illegal Burmese
migrants to the region.
In his neighbourhood, police had found numbers of Burmese migrants
living, and hiding, in nearby houses.
Police assumed that the victim might have face
business dispute with his counterparts in the trafficking trade.
Reportedly, the Thai
authorities had made several attempts to suppress the crimes, but Su-ngai Kolok district still
remains centre for drug dealing, illegal oil trading and human trafficking.
A source also
told our correspondent that many local officials are involved with these businesses, and have often
taken advantages of border control policies.