BANGKOK — Lashing rains were forecast Monday to continue at least another fortnight but will end sooner than usual this year with the coming of winter, according to the realm’s seers of seasonal change.
Unlike last year, when winter officially took hold in December, the new chilly season will begin in the last week of October, at least in the kingdom’s northern reaches, the Meteorological Department has declared.
When will the coldest days fall? From mid-December through mid-January, it has foretold.
The department also said this winter will be colder than recent years with temperatures bottoming out at 6C. The cold spell will continue through mid-February.
Bangkok, however, will still face rain showers into November. The city will start enjoying the cool weather in December before it warms back up a bit in February. The lowest temperature predicted for Bangkok is 14C.
Heavy downpours will continue in the south until mid-January, especially along the eastern coastal regions to Chumphon province.