Ladprao Intersection Rally Rocked By M79 Attack

(29 January) Anti-government rally site at Ladprao Intersection has been attacked by M79 grenade launcher this morning, witnesses said.


Mr. Issara Somchai, a leader of the People′s Committee for Absolute Democracy With the King As Head of State (PCAD), told reporters that the explosion was heard near the protesters′ campsite at around 03.47 earlier today. 
PCAD guards later inspected the scene and found that the explosion has injured one protester, damaged two cars, and slightly damaged a ventilation machinery of the nearby metro station, Mr. Issara said.
Mr. Issara said the explosion was likely caused by M79 grenade launcher, and he believes the assailant intended to fire the weapon at the protesters′ tent but missed due to a short window of opportunity. 
Witnesses reported they had spotted a suspicious black pick-up truck on the tollway overlooking the protest site earlier. 
The volunteer guards were instructed by Mr. Issara to increase security measures around the rally, and forensic police accompanied by EOD team inspected the crime scene later at 07.00. 
Four soldiers were also present at the scene, taking pictures and collecting evidences of the explosion. 
Mr. Saman Boonlert, the injured protester, said he was sleeping next to the damaged car when the explosion occurred. He reportedly woke up with the realisation that the shrapnel had hit his hip and feet.
Shadowy attacks on anti-government protesters and the residences of their leaders have been occurring almost on a nightly basis since the PCAD began their "Bangkok Shutdown" operation 2 weeks ago. 

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