BMA District Offices Stop Providing Registration Service During the Outbreak of COVID-19

Mrs. Silapasuai Rawisaengsun, Permanent Secretary for the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA), had signed an urgent letter ordering Directors of all 50 Districts to stop providing registration service during the outbreak of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). The details are as follows:

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  1. Registration Sections of District Offices stop providing registration service to the public on Saturdays, except for notification of birth and death.
  2. Stop providing the service at the Bangkok Express Service.
  3. Stop the service provided by the Bangkok Mobile Service.
  4. Consider limiting the number of service recipients (queue) to be at the appropriate number with the aim to reduce density of the people who come for service, using an online queuing system via the BMAQ application in managing the people who request for service with the strict use of “ThaiChana”, the online registration system.
  5. Carry out the surveillance and prevention of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic in compliance with the surveillance and prevention measures prescribed by the Ministry of Public Health and other related government letters of order.
  6. Provide service on the issuance or amendment of personal record of the Non-Thai Nationals for alien workers of 3 nationalities, namely, Cambodian nationals, Lao nationals, and Myanmar nationals, and their accompanying persons who are the children of the alien workers at the age of not more than 18 years old on the regular official days (Mondays – Fridays) at 16.00 – 18.00 hrs. The number of service recipients (queue) will be at the maximum of 30 persons per day in order to reduce the density of alien workers who come to receive service; to surveille and prevent the spread of disease; and to comply with preventive and control measures to curb the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak.

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The letter of order takes effect from now until the situation of COVID-19 pandemic subsides.

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