(19 July) Owner of a
beauty salon in Suphanburi province plastered the walls of her workplace with thousands of lottery
tickets, none of them yielding any win, to remind herself and her customers the low chance of
winning the prize.
Ms. Wassana Lek Indrakaew, 39, the owner of Lek Beauty in Mueang
district, told our correspondent that she has been posting lottery tickets on the wall of the
establishment since 2001.
Initially, she only posted the tickets on the salon′s back door,
but the ?lotto wallpaper? later crept into other spaces and eventually filled up the 4 walls of the
4×4 metre room.
Ms. Wassana said she is a big fan of a lottery. She usually buys around 20
lottery tickets each month, depending on how much money she had on that day, Ms. Wassana added. Ms.
Wassana lost count how many tickets she had bought, and estimated that the wallpaper in her salon is
composed of about 10,000 pieces of lottery.
Customers and neighbours in the area are highly
amused by her idea, turning her salon into some sort of local tourist attraction, drawing many
people who have heard about the lottery wallpapers. Many of them took photographs with the wall to
show their friends.
As she never won a single prize from these lotteries she had
bought, she said, she had the idea to post the tickets on these walls to remind herself and
other customers that the chance to become rich overnight by lottery winning is just too
“There were millions of lottery tickets printed out, but there were only numbers of
prizes you can win”, Ms. Wassana said gravely.
However, she said she had never given up on
the hope to win the lottery one day.
“I will probably keep on buying lottery tickets”, Ms.
Wassana said, explaining that she has been repeatedly buying the tickets that feature her house
numbers in Ying Ruay Village.“The prize will be mine someday.”
State-sanctioned lottery is
one of the very few gambling sports allowed under Thai laws. The draw comes every 1st and 16th day
of the month.
Lottery is also very big deal in Thai society, merging the desire to get
rich quickly with the deeply rooted superstition in Thai nation. Many Thais believe that lucky
lottery numbers can be found in abnormal animals or plants, news of big accidents, ghosts, and other
paranormal activities.