Update: The court on Monday said the police withdrew their request to detain Arnon and Panupong. The pair will be released on Monday evening, a court statement said.
BANGKOK — It’s unclear whether jailed anti-government protest leaders Arnon Nampa and Panupong Jadnok will seek bail, a lawyer said Monday.
Arnon’s bail was revoked on Thursday on the grounds that he violated his bail release conditions by organizing and participating in the protests. His fellow activist Panupong, aka Mike Rayong, also refused to pay additional bail surety of 100,000 baht on the same day and ended up in prison along with Arnon.
“I don’t know whether they will apply for bail or not but I will visit them at 9.30 tomorrow,” their lawyer Krisadang Nutcharut said.
Both were first arrested on Aug 8 on charges of sedition and breaching the Emergency Decree’s ban on political gatherings, before being released on bail hours later.
The release conditions require them to refrain from “repeating” the offenses accused by the charges.
Arnon and Panupong are being held at Bangkok Remand Prison. They are not allowed to have any visit until tomorrow due to the Songkran holidays.
Both were charged with inciting insurrection, disregarding the Emergency Decree, health measures violations, littering, blocking traffic, and some other minor offenses.
Krisadang said since both cases were political by nature, he would not advise the two as to whether to seek bail when they meet tomorrow.
“It’s something they have to decide by themselves,” Krisadang said.