Cutting Off Electricity-Water
Khaosod Editors,
I have read the news about
a house fire in Phitsanulok which killed 2 children. The fire happened because the parents lit a candle in the house after
the Electric Authorities cut off their electricity since they did not
pay the electricity bill. I think this news should be a tragic
reminder for everyone so they can avoid such incident.
I would like to tell you about my own experience with
electricity cutting.
I live in Bangkok. One day I heard someone shouting
in front of the house next to mine.
I went out and
found an official from the Electric Authorities. Apparently he was there to cut the
electricity in that house because the homeowners did not pay.
So I told the official that the owner was away at the
moment, that I would tell him to pay
as soon as I see him, and I pleaded with the official not to cut off the electricity yet. The official agreed and left. When the home owner was
back I told him what happened, and he raced away to pay his bill.
The reason why I?m telling you this news is that: when
the officials arrive at your doorstep to cut your utility service,
don?t evade them. Confront them and tell them you
really forgot to pay, so that they would delay the cutting process. If you avoided them instead of giving them some explanation, they would have no other
than cutting your electricity, because it is their duty. The same goes
with water
Cape Jessamine
Replying Khun (Ms.) Cape
practical and straightforward suggestion. You are right to emphasize
on dialogue and explanation. We believe
your suggestion would be useful for many readers. At the same time, we think the officials from the Electric Authorities should take heed to this advice as well: if the residents come out and plead with
you, you should give them some compromise before
resorting to final measure.
Khaosod Editorial