Editorial 9 July 2013 : From Egypt to Thailand

The recent unrest in Egypt have gained much of public interest in Thailand, perhaps
more than any other coups that have taken place in recent years. 

The reasons behind this public
interest is two-fold. Firstly, it is due to the effect of globalization which has succeeded in
making the world a smaller place. Events that take place half the world away now seem much more
relevant to us in Thailand. 

many Thai experts have compared the Egypt Coup to the situation in Thailand, particularly to
criticise the government′s role in exercising its power. 

This is peculiarly interesting, if all sides of
facts are being considered.

The uprising
of millions of Egyptians, which led to the coup d?etat and the ending of the short-term ruling of
the elected Egyptian government, brought various responses from global community. Some raises
concerns about the unfolding crisis, while some goes as far as disagreeing with the seizure of power
by armed means.

One who
wishes to compare the Egypt coup to Thailand should not bring up just some facts to use against
others, but he or she must consider all sides of facts, in a broad terms and with degrees of
accusation about an abusive and violent government may resonate more with the Thai government under
Former PM Abhisit Vejjajeeva which authorized the military operation to end the mass protests in
2010 – with real weapons and real ammo. The crackdown left nearly 100 people dead and more than
2,000 injured. What′s worse, it also left a scar in Thailand.

To criticize and to cautiously remind someone of
the right thing is what one ought to do. However, in the meantime, to expect such warnings to be
taken seriously, one needs to apply the same ideal to everyone, particularly on one′s self before

To criticize
the government and to remind it not to overstep its boundary of power is certainly a good thing. But
such criticism must be applied to all governments – no matter who′s in power. All factions
should be treated by the same principles.

Only then, the rest of the society will lend you
their ears. 