Sup With Sek Loso’s Five-Day Facebook Live Meltdown?

Seksan Sukpimai, aka Sek Loso, in front of his house Thursday.

BANGKOK — The glazed eyes and unshaven beard leap from the tiny screen as one of the nation’s top rockers speaks nostalgically of small packages of shampoo from his childhood and the dishonesty of lotion marketing.

“This is my skin. This is my fucking skin too!” he said in English at about 3am on Thursday morning as he applied body lotion to his face, insisting such lotion can be used anywhere, despite its labeling. “I’m a fucking rock ‘n’ roll star. Why would I just use fucking facial cream or something? Fuck that!”

For five days and running, Sek Loso, the poster boy for rockstar rebellion, has captivated the nation with long, rambling, livestreamed diatribes and musings on matters mundane, personal and political. It’s prompted waves of speculation on his state.

“You are living in the dead end [sic] road but you can come back with your original LoSo because you can do it … the problem is you need very, very deep help,” commented user Neverland Joe at the 34:44-minute mark on one of his videos.


Is it just drugs? Raging mental illness? A deep-state political conspiracy? Or has the rocker finally gone off his rocker?

Netizens have weighed in with competing theories ever since Seksan Sukpimai, aka Sek Loso, posted his first hours-long Facebook live video Sunday. Something he’s kept up for five days straight. In that time, hundreds of thousands have tuned in to watch him pee-test himself for drugs, ramble about Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra and hold a funeral for his 17-year-old fish.

“Thaksin is a terrorist. How can he put away bad guys, when he himself is a bad guy?” he asked viewers in the most recent live video that ended Thursday afternoon. “He is the one who bombed Erawan Shrine, probably.”

People have also watched Sek eat barbecue pork, blow dry his hair and read The Davinci Code. Some netizens insist his actions are a cry for help.

“I started worrying about him. He’s wasting his musical talent. He’s one of Thailand’s top guitarists of all time, but now he’s just a clown that teenagers and kids laugh at. The more he talks, the more he’s risking a lawsuit and his and his family’s safety. What if he’s doing all this because he’s sick?” Facebook page E Jeab Leab Duan wrote Thursday.

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Sek Loso shows reporters some urine tests.

Is Sek melting down a la Charlie Sheen’s #Winning #Tigerblood of 2011? Is he like Thailand’s own Q Anon, sending signals to powerful figures? Just what’s up with Sek?

Wiphakorn Karn, an ex-wife who once accused him of beating her, said Sek was mentally ill and at risk of suicide in a post last night.

“From my own analysis, he’s not himself. He’s bipolar, depressed, narcissistic,” she wrote. “He’s really ill. Ill people need treatment. Those people who tell him to shoot himself during the live, how can you say that? There’s such a high rate of suicide.”

Still, the repeated calls for Thaksin to quit politics have puzzled many, since the singer-guitarist is known for his support of the Shinawatras. Two months ago he announced that he wrote last year’s “You Still Have Me” for Yingluck Shinawatra.

Sek was a Facebook Live dabbler until this recent batch of videos that have stretched for hours since the beginning of August. They’re often filmed in odd hours of the morning. On Wednesday alone, he shot 15 videos, the shortest of which was 31 seconds. The longest was an hour and 41 minutes.

“I’m gonna test my urine for the second time for you guys, so you won’t suspect I’m taking drugs. You’re so curious about how I can do this. It’s because I’m not normal. I don’t get tired or anything. I’m superhuman,” he said in one of his videos, before showing that he passed his own drug test.

Sek told reporters who visited his home Thursday afternoon that he just wanted more followers. His girlfriend, Apisaya Pattanaworasap, was with him. Sek insisted two to three hours of sleep was enough for him, and that he is in good mental health.

Sek’s Facebook Live marathon received both praise and heat from netizens. Some took offense at Sek’s rapid-fire profanity and rambling on political controversy.

“You should say something that unites people in the nation. Scolding Thaksin is not helping anything. I’ve lost faith in you,” Facebook user Parnisara Anderson commented. “Stop talking about politics.”

Sek told reporters he would stop the videos since he had already asked Thaksin to stop interfering in politics.

“As for Gen. Prayuth Chan-ocha, who told me to amend my behavior, I think he’s saying it out of concern,” he said. “If I don’t stop doing these videos, he can feel free to send soldiers to check up on me. I’m man enough to handle it.”

Saya Ari, the head security guard at Sek’s house, said the 44-year-old musician does not normally trouble his neighbors and has not left home for about two weeks.

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