PATTAYA — Cops were called in Wednesday night to apprehend a Caucasian man who went on a naked rampage in Central Pattaya.
The man, who remains unidentified Thursday, was seen wandering at about midnight with a knife in his hand close to the Mae Wilai Market located downtown on Central Pattaya Road.
Thongyib Chomdee, a vendor at the scene, said the man charged at several people and tried to damage property, prompting many vendors, including herself, to close down their shops and bar their doors.
Police officers arrived about 20 minutes after someone alerted them and arrested the naked man. He was reportedly taken to Pattaya City Police Station to calm down.
But a call Thursday morning to the police station found they had no record of the man, indicating he was likely released soon after without charge.
“We don’t have any information regarding this person,” deputy commander Lt. Col. Sompan Suksamran said.