BANGKOK — An emerging gay dance company from Cambodia will perform a story inspired by Angkorian folklore about a Khmer king who mated with a naga to ensure the land’s fertility at an Asian theatre festival beginning later this month in Bangkok.
The two-year-old Prumsodun Ok troupe will take the stage June 2 through June 4 as part of a collaboration between Asian theatre artists on performances and panels aimed to exchange experiences and knowledge about theatre in the region.
The team behind the long-running Bangkok Theatre Festival has spread its wings to explore Asian theatre. Its new initiative, Bangkok Theatre Festival Asia Focus, will feature three collaborative shows and a panel discussion.
Theatrical actor and director Pradit Prasartthong will stage “Len LiKe, Play of My Life,” a contemporary performance reflecting on his role as a performer and the difficulties as an artist during 30 years of unrest. It will show at 8pm, May 26 to 28.
At 4pm on the same dates, “Open Water (Work in Progress)” will be performed. This collaboration between Thai artist Jaturachai Srichanwanpen and Singaporean talent Tan Shou Chen looks at the theatre world in both countries. The performance will elaborate on a lecture about how the two collaborate and conduct research.
Lastly, a panel discussion on Asian theatre will be held at 2pm on June 4.
Tickets for “Beloved” and “Len LiKe, Play of My Life” are 550 baht. Tickets for “Open Water” are 350 baht. An advance ticket package for all three shows is 1,000 baht and is available until May 20. Seating is limited and organizers recommend purchasing them online. Visit their Facebook page for more information.
The festival will be held May 26 to June 4 at Thong Lor Art Space, a five-minute walk from BTS Thong Lo exit No. 1.