Cambodia’s Tourism Ministry Considers Thailand Travel Warning
(Chiang Rai Times)
Girl With Dragon Tattoo Escapes From Phuket Police Paddy Wagon
(The Phuket News)
Reuters, Reporters To Be Charged Over Pulitzer-Winning Paragraph
PHUKET — Reuters news agency and two Reuters reporters could face arrest for their Pulitzer prize-winning report on Rohingya refugees, police say.
Missing MH370 ‘Behind Visa Run Crackdown’
(The Phuket News)
Thailand Cracks Down on Visa Border-Runs
(The Chiang Rai Times)
Following Earthquake, Chiang Rai at Risk of Mudslides
(Chiang Mai City News)
Rohingya Escape Shelter North of Phuket
China to set up consulate in Phuket
(Phuket News)
Thai Government Deploys Military Aid to Assist Earthquake Victims in Chiang Rai
(Chiang Mai City News)