Police filed a lawsuit in Narathiwat court against the husband and wife, the owners of the fire warehouse where the explosion occurred in the Muno community in Su-ngai Kolok district, Narathiwat province. The July 29 explosion resulted in at least 11 deaths and hundreds of injuries.
On August 7, police officers brought Mr. Sompong Na Kul and Ms. Piyanuch Pheungwirawat to court for arraignment. The charges are negligent homicide of others, grievous bodily harm, endangering life or mental well-being, illegal possession or trafficking of fireworks, disobeying emergency orders, and unauthorized construction or alteration of buildings.
The couple were sent to prison after the court accepted the objection of the police to the bail since both were at risk of escape.

The two had crossed the border to Malaysia and did not return immediately after the explosion. On August 5, they turned themselves in at Sadao Police Station, Songkhla Province, before being sent to Narathiwat. They admitted some allegations while denying others.
According to the police, both individuals showed signs of stress and anxiety, prompting authorities to increase surveillance to prevent self-inflicted injuries.

Investigating officials said that additional suspects may be arrested. Meanwhile, internal investigations are underway into possible misconduct by police officers who exceeded their duties or accepted bribes. Progress has been made on both the conduct and disciplinary aspects of the case.
To provide financial assistance to the victims, compensation totaling nearly 6 million baht was granted to the families of the deceased in accordance with the regulations of the Ministry of Finance. In addition, more than 22 million baht was donated through Krung Thai Bank’s disaster relief account named “Muno Disaster Relief,” account number 905 366 1220.
Nevertheless, residents affected by the incident set up donation boxes in front of their homes to accept donations from Thai and Malaysian citizens who had traveled to assist. These donations, which include both money and food, are to be used directly and be helpful.

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