Red-Yellow Shirts Jointly Put Pressure on MFP’s Sexual Scandals

Tankhun Jitissara, Chairman of the Human Rights and Gender Equality Promotion Committee, Democrat Party (center), joins the protest against sexual harassment.

The Move Forward Party (MFP ), which was the most popular party in May’s general election, now faces a credibility problem after its members allegedly sexually harassed women. This has raised concerns about the party’s handling of the situation, with the party leadership in particular being criticized for not acting quickly enough.

Critics of the MFP, organized under a Facebook fan page titled “What is the MFP lying today?”, held an event at the Thai Summit Tower to call on the party to speed up investigations into the alleged sexual harassment of a party member.

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Protesters held an event against sexual harassment at the Thai Summit Tower, where the MFP headquarter is located, on October 31, 2023.

Notable figures from both the Red Shirts and the Yellow Shirts were present at the event, including Niyom Nopparat and Tankhun Jitissara, Chairman of the Human Rights and Gender Equality Promotion Committee, Democrat Party

Niyom accused the Move Forward Party of not sending representatives to receive their petition, implying that the party does not seem interested in listening to their concerns. He stressed the need for the party to be clear and transparent, especially because the alleged victims are those who volunteered and supported the party by helping it gain a voice.


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Niyom Nopparat (center) the red shirt member

In addition, Niyom questioned the lack of response to the issue by the National Human Rights Commission and wondered whether these organizations are biased.

Tankhun also commented on how men in higher positions in society, such as in politics or among their own supporters, could silence the victims and compound the trauma by making the allegations appear untrue. He stressed the need for the party to be thoroughly investigated or given a fair trial by parliament.

Speaking about the event, he also said that it was a good chance for the yellow and red shirts to work together to fight the orange fandoms of the MFP.


Chairman of the Special Working Group to Solve the Problem of Sexual Violence of the MFP, Bencha Saengchantra, confirmed that there will be a discussion within the party on the two cases of alleged harassment and sexual misconduct. This discussion will take place during a meeting with the party leadership on 1 November at 5:00 pm. She assured that the party takes the matter seriously and will handle it appropriately.

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Bencha Saengchantra


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